


姓名: 周虎
性别: 男
职称: 教授/博士生导师
职务: 无
办公电话: 62734734
办公地址: 资环楼四区223室


2000.09-2004.07 青海大学 农学系 本科 农学学士

2004.09-2010.07 中国农业大学 土壤和水科学系 农学博士

2008.09-2009.08 田纳西大学 联合培养博士研究生


2010.07-2021.03 中国科学院南京土壤研究所 助理研究员、副研究员

    其中:2011.11-2012.05 法国农科院 青年科学家

              2018.06-2018.12 阿伯丁大学 Research Fellow

              2019.01-2020.12 诺丁汉大学 Research Fellow

2021.03-              中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc 教授


Geoderma 编委(2021- )

Soil Use and Management 副主编(2019- )

Frontiers in Agronomy, Plant-Soil Interactions领域副主编(2020- )

中国土壤学会土壤分析技术工作委员会 委员(2020- )


1. 土壤结构的形成机制、定量化方法及其对土壤物理、化学和生物学过程的作用

2. 根系和土壤的交互作用

3. 土壤微形态学方法和应用

4. 旱地和水田的保护性耕作技术


  第十五届中国土壤学会科学技术奖一等奖 排名4


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目"水稻土结构动态及其对水稻根系生长的影响" (2019.01-2022.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金大科学装置联合基金项目"土壤固碳效率差异机制分析-以红壤为例" (2019.01-2021.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目"高产红壤性水稻土结构特征及其形成机制" (2015.01-2018.12)

4. 国家重点研究计划项目“稻作区土壤培肥与丰产增效耕作技术” 子课题“稻田土壤物理肥力(2016.01-2020.12)

5. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“旱地合理耕层构建技术指标研究”课题“华北平原砂姜黑土区雨养旱地合理耕层构建技术指标及集成示范” (2015.01-2019.12)

6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金"基于同步辐射显微CT的土壤三维结构特征及其水力学性质的LBM模拟"(2012.01-2014.12)

7. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目"太湖地区高产水稻土结构特征和形成机制"(2014.07-2017.06)




1. Zhou, H. *, Riche, A.B., Hawkesford, M.J., Whalley, W.R., Atkinson, B.S., Sturrock, C.J., Mooney, S.J., 2021. Determination of wheat spike and spikelet architecture and grain traits using X-ray Computed Tomography imaging. Plant Methods 17, 26.

2. Song, X., Chen, C. *, Arthur, E., Tuller, M., Zhou, H., Ren, T., 2021. Effects of increasing water activity on the relationship between water vapour sorption and clay content. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20236.

3. Zhou, H. *, Whalley, W.R., Hawkesford, M.J., Ashton, R.W., Atkinson, B., Atkinson, J.A., Sturrock, C.J., Bennett, M.J., Mooney, S.J., 2021. The interaction between wheat roots and soil pores in structured field soil. J. Exp. Bot. 72, 747–756.

4. 刘玲玲, 李超, 房焕, 赵杨, 张中彬, 彭新华, 尹力初*, 周虎*. 2021. 免耕对稻油轮作系统土壤结构的影响. 土壤学报, 58(2):412-420.

5. 孙钰翔, 张广斌, 房焕, 张中彬, 廖超林*, 周虎*. 2021. 孔隙结构对水稻土温室气体排放的影响. 土壤, 53(1): 154–160.


1. Chen, C., Arthur, E., Tuller, M., Zhou, H., Wang, X., Shang, J. *, Hu, K., Ren, T., 2020. Estimation of soil specific surface area from adsorbed soil water content. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 1-8.

2. Chen, C., Arthur, E., Zhou, H., Wang, X., Shang, J. *, Hu, K. and Ren, T. 2020. A new model for soil water vapor sorption isotherms considering adsorption and condensation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20181.

3. He, L., Zhao, J., Yang, S., Zhou, H. *, Wang, S., Zhao, X. *, Xing, G., 2020. Successive biochar amendment improves soil productivity and aggregate microstructure of a red soil in a five-year wheat-millet rotation pot trial. Geoderma 376, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114570

4. Zhang, X.X., Whalley, P.A., Ashton, R.W., Evans, J., Hawkesford, M.J., Griffiths, S., Huang, Z.D., Zhou, H., Mooney, S.J., Whalley, W.R. *, 2020. A comparison between water uptake and root length density in winter wheat: effects of root density and rhizosphere properties. Plant Soil 451, 345–356.

5. Zhou, H. *, Chen, C., Wang, D., Arthur, E., Zhang, Z., Guo, Z., Peng, X., Mooney, S.J., 2020. Effect of long-term organic amendments on the full-range soil water retention characteristics of a Vertisol. Soil Tillage Res. 202, 104663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104663.

6. 王远鹏, 黄晶, 孙钰翔, 柳开楼, 周虎, 韩天富, 都江雪, 蒋先军, 陈金, 张会民. 2020. 近35年红壤稻区土壤肥力时空演变特征—以进贤县为例.中国农业科学.16: 3294-3306.


1. Atkinson, JA, Hawksford, MJ, Whalley, WR, Zhou, H*, Mooney, SJ. 2019. Soil strength influences wheat root interactions with soil macropores. Plant Cell Environ.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13659.

2. Huan Fang, Zhongbin Zhang, Daming Li, Kailou Liu, Kun Zhang, Weijian Zhang, Xinhua Peng, Hu Zhou*. 2019. Temporal dynamics of paddy soil structure as affected by different fertilization strategies investigated with soil shrinkage curve. Soil and Tillage Research. 187: 102-109.

3. Fang, H., Rong, H., Hallett, P.D., Mooney, S.J., Zhang, W., Zhou, H. *, Peng, X., 2019. Impact of soil puddling intensity on the root system architecture of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Soil and Tillage Research 193, 1-7.

4. 李奕, 刘玲玲, 房焕, 李大明, 柳开楼, 彭新华, 彭显龙*, 周虎*. 2019. 长期施肥对水稻土碳氮矿化与团聚体稳定性的影响. 土壤. 51(3):451-457.

5. 李奕, 房焕, 彭显龙*, 周虎*. 2019. 模拟搅浆对水稻土结构和有机氮矿化的影响. 土壤学报. 56(5):1195-1203.


1. Zhou, H., Fang, H., Zhang, Q., Wang, Q., Chen, C., Mooney, S. J., Peng, X*. and Du, Z*. 2018. Biochar enhances soil hydraulic function but not soil aggregation in a sandy loam. Eur. J Soil Sci. doi:10.1111/ejss.12732.

2. Jiang, Y., Zhou, H., Chen, L., Yuan, Y., Fang, H., Luan, L., Chen, Y., Wang, X., Liu, M., Li, H., Peng, X., Sun, B. *, 2018. Nematodes and microorganisms interactively stimulate soil organic carbon turnover in the macroaggregates. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2803. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.02803.

3. Fang, H., Zhou, H., Norton, G.J., Price, A.H., Raffan, A.C., Mooney, S.J., Peng, X.H. *, Hallett, P.D. *, 2018. Interaction between contrasting rice genotypes and soil physical conditions induced by hydraulic stresses typical of alternate wetting and drying irrigation of soil. Plant and Soil 430, 233-243.

4. 房焕, 李奕, 周虎, 颜晓元, 彭新华*. 2018. 稻麦轮作区秸秆还田对水稻土结构的影响. 农业机械学报. 49(4):297-302.


1. Zhou, H., Mooney, S.J., Peng, X*. 2017. Bimodal soil pore structure investigated by a combined swrc and X-ray computed tomography approach. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2016.10.0338.

2. Zhou, Hu, Huan Fang, Chunsheng Hu, Sacha J. Mooney, Wenxu Dong and Xinhua Peng*. 2017. Inorganic fertilization effects on the structure of a calcareous silt loam soil. Agronomy Journal. 109, 2871-2880.

3. Bottinelli, N., H. Zhou, Y. Capowiez, Z.B. Zhang, J. Qiu, P. Jouquet, X. Peng*. 2017. Earthworm burrowing activity of two non-Lumbricidae earthworm species incubated in soils with contrasting organic carbon content (Vertisol vs. Ultisol). Biology and Fertility of Soils 53: 951-955.

4. Rahman, M.T., Q.H. Zhu, Z.B. Zhang, H. Zhou and X. Peng*. 2017. The roles of organic amendments and microbial community in the improvement of soil structure of a Vertisol. Applied Soil Ecology 111: 84-93.


1. Zhou, H., Fang, H., Mooney, S.J., Peng, X. *, 2016. Effects of long-term inorganic and organic fertilizations on the soil micro and macro structures of rice paddies. Geoderma 266, 66-74.

2. Bottinelli, N., Zhou, H., Boivin, P., Zhang, Z.B., Jouquet, P., Hartmann, C., Peng, X*. 2016. Macropores generated during shrinkage in two paddy soils using X-ray micro-computed tomography. Geoderma 265, 78-86.

3. Zhang, Z.B., Zhou, H., Lin, H., Peng, X*. 2016. Puddling intensity, sesquioxides, and soil organic carbon impacts on crack patterns of two paddy soils. Geoderma 262, 155-164.

4. 俎千惠, 房焕, 周虎, 张建伟, 彭新华, 林先贵, 冯有智*. 2016. X射线对我国两种典型土壤中微生物活性及群落结构的影响. 微生物学报. 56(1): 101-109.


1. Peng, X., Yan, X., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y.Z., Sun, H. 2015. Assessing the contributions of sesquioxides and soil organic matter to aggregation in an Ultisol under long-term fertilization. Soil and Tillage Research 146, 89-98.

2. Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X. *, Zhou, H., Lin, H., Sun, H. 2015. Characterizing preferential flow in cracked paddy soils using computed tomography and breakthrough curve. Soil and Tillage Research 146, 53-65.

3. 李保国*, 任图生, 刘刚, 周虎, 商建英, 沈重阳, 黄峰, 王钢, 李贵桐. 土壤物理学发展现状与展望. 中国科学院院刊, 2015, 30(Z1): 78-90.


1. Zhang, Z.B., Zhou, H., Zhao, Q.G., Lin, H., Peng, X. *, 2014. Characteristics of cracks in two paddy soils and their impacts on preferential flow. Geoderma 228, 114-121.

2. 李文昭, 周虎, 陈效民*, 彭新华, 余喜初. 2014.基于同步辐射显微CT 研究不同施肥措施下水稻土团聚体微结构特征. 土壤学报. 51(1):67-74.


1. Hu Zhou, Xinhua Peng*, Edmund Perfect, Tiqiao Xiao, and Guanyun Peng. Effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil aggregation in an Ultisol as characterized by synchrotron based X-ray micro-computed tomography. Geoderma, 2013, 195-196: 23 - 30.

2. Hu Zhou, Xinhua Peng*, Darboux Frédéric. Effect of Rainfall Kinetic Energy on Crust Formation and Interrill Erosion of an Ultisol in Subtropical China. Vadose Zone J. 2013, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0010.

3. Yan, X., Zhou, H., Zhu, Q.H., Zhang, Y.Z., Wang, X.F., Peng, X*. 2013. Carbon sequestration efficiency in paddy soil and upland soil under long-term fertilization in southern China. Soil and Tillage Research, 130:42 - 51.

4. 周虎, 李文昭, 张中彬, 彭新华*. 2013. 利用X-射线CT研究多尺度土壤结构. 土壤学报. 50(6):1226-1230.


1. H. Zhou, X. Peng*, S. Peth, T.Q. Xiao. 2012, Effects of vegetation restoration on soil aggregate microstructure quantified with synchrotron-based micro-computed tomography, Soil and Tillage Research 124: 17-23.

2. 叶丽丽, 王翠红, 周虎, 彭新华*. 2012. 添加生物质黑炭对红壤结构稳定性的影响. 土壤, 44(1):62-66.

3. 张国强, 周虎, 和友, 刘慧强, 王玉丹, 薛艳玲, 谢红兰, 肖体乔*.2012. 基于极坐标变换去除计算机层析图像环形伪影. 光学学报,32(5):0534001.

4. 王雪芬, 胡锋*, 彭新华, 周虎, 余喜初. 2012. 长期施肥对红壤不同有机碳库及其周转速率的影响. 土壤学报, 49(5):954-961.


1. Zhou, H., Perfect, E., Lu, Y.Z. *, Li, B.G., Peng, X.H., 2011. Multifractal analyses of grayscale and binary soil thin section images. Fractals 19, 299-309.

2. Peng, X. *, Ye, L.L., Wang, C.H., Zhou, H., Sun, B. 2011. Temperature- and duration-dependent rice straw-derived biochar: Characteristics and its effects on soil properties of an Ultisol in southern China. Soil and Tillage Research 112: 159-166.

3. 周虎, 彭新华*, 张中彬, 王亮亮, 肖体乔, 彭冠云. 2011. 基于同步辐射微CT研究不同利用年限水稻土团聚体微结构特征. 农业工程学报, 27(12):343-347.


1. Hu Zhou, Ed Perfect, Baoguo Li, and Yizhong Lu*. 2010. Effect of bit depth on the multifractal analysis of grayscale images. Fractals 18(1): 127-138.

2. Hu Zhou, Ed Perfect, Baoguo Li, Yizhong Lu*. 2010. Comments on the “On the Physical Properties of Apparent Two-Phase Fractal Porous Medium”. Vadose Zone Journal 9(1):192-193.

3. 周虎, 李保国, 吕贻忠*, 刘武仁, 郑金玉. 2010. 不同耕作措施下土壤孔隙的多重分形特征.土壤学报, 47(6):1094-1100.

4. 周虎, 李保国, 吕贻忠*,郑金玉,刘武仁. 2010. 土壤薄片中石英颗粒分布的分形特征. 土壤, 42(2):297-301.


1. Hu Zhou, Baoguo Li, and Yizhong Lu*. 2009. Micromorphological analysis of soil structure under no tillage management in the black soil zone of Northeast China. Journal of Mountain Science 6(2): 173-180.

2. 周虎, 吕贻忠*, 李保国. 2009. 土壤结构定量化研究进展. 土壤学报, 46(3):501-506.


1. 周虎, 吕贻忠*, 杨志臣, 李保国. 2007. 保护性耕作对华北平原土壤团聚体特征的影响. 中国农业科学, 40(9):1973-1979. Zhou, H., LÜ, Y.Z, Yang, Z.C., Li, B.G. 2007. Influence of conservation tillage on soil aggregates features in North China Plain. Agricultural Sciences in China 6, 1099-1106.