2009.09-2013.07 中国农业大学 土地资源管理 本科 管理学士
2013.09-2018.12 中国农业大学 土壤学 农学博士
2019.03-2021.03 中国农业大学 水利工程 博士后
2021.04-2023.12 中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc 讲师
2024.01- 中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc 副教授
1. 土-水-作物关系
2. 水-肥-盐一体化调控
3. 土壤-作物系统建模与应用
1. Wu Xun, Xu Yanqi, Shi Jianchu, Zuo Qiang, Zhang Ting, Wang Lichun, Xue Xuzhang, Ben-Gal Alon. 2021. Estimating stomatal conductance and evapotranspiration of winter wheat using a soil-plant water relations-based stress index. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 303: 108393.
2. Shi Jianchu, Wu Xun, Zhang Mo, Wang Xiaoyu, Wu Xiaoguang, Zhang Hongfei, Ben-Gal Alon. 2021. Numerically scheduling plant water deficit index-based smart irrigation to optimize crop yield and water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management, 248: 106774.
1. Wu Xun, Shi Jianchu, Zuo Qiang, Zhang Mo, Xue Xuzhang, Wang Lichun, Zhang Ting, Ben-Gal Alon. 2020. Parameterization of the water stress reduction function based on soil–plant water relations. Irrigation Science, 39: 101-122.
2. Wu Xun, Zuo Qiang, Shi Jianchu, Wang Lichun, Xue Xuzhang, Ben-Gal Alon. 2020. Introducing water stress hysteresis to the Feddes empirical macroscopic root water uptake model. Agricultural Water Management, 240: 106293.
3. 吴训, 石建初, 左强. 2020. 基于作物水分关系改进土壤水分胁迫修正系数的反求方法. 水利学报, 51: 212-222.
1. Shi Jianchu, Wu Xun, Wang Xiaoyu, Zhang Mo, Han Le, Zhang Wenjing, Liu Wen, Zuo Qiang, Zhang Hongfei, Ben-Gal Alon. 2019. Determining threshold values for root-soil water weighted plant water deficit index based smart irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 230: 105979.
2. 范金杰, 俞杨浏, 左强, 范豫川, 吴训, 石建初. 2019. 大气CO2浓度升高对小麦蒸腾耗水与根系吸水的影响. 农业工程学报: 36, 92-98.
1. Wu Xun, Zhang Wenjing, Liu Wen, Zuo Qiang, Shi Jianchu, Yan Xudong, Zhang Hongfei, Xue Xuzhang, Wang Lichun, Zhang Mo, Ben-Gal Alon. 2017. Root-weighted soil water status for plant water deficit index based irrigation scheduling. Agricultural Water Management, 189: 137-147.
1. 石建初; 吴训; 左强; 李保国; 闫旭东; 张宏飞; 张沫. 基于根系与水盐分布的智能灌溉控制系统, 2017SRBJ0706.
2. 石建初; 吴训; 东晔; 左强; 兰德品. 基于根区土壤水盐时空分布信息的作物蒸腾耗水动态评估软件, 2019SRBJ1190.
3. 石建初; 东晔; 吴训; 左强; 兰德品. 盐碱农田作物生长模拟软件, 2019SRBJ1189.
4. 吴训; 石建初; 左强; 蒋宗谨; 杨靖. 基于根系加权土壤有效水的作物灌溉制度优化系统.