




1990.09-1994.07 烟台大学 物理 理学学士

1994.09-1997.07 中国原子能科学研究院 核物理 理学硕士

1997.09-2000.07 北京大学 凝聚态物理 理学博士 


2000.07-2002.11 中国农业大学 资源环境学院博士后、讲师

2002.11-2013.11 中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授

其中:2009.07-2010.07 加拿大Univ of Saskatchewan 访问学者

2013.11-              中国农业大学 资源环境学院 教授


1. 土壤物理:热特性测量方法,孔隙尺度传质传热过程,土壤开裂的机理研究

2. 多孔介质传质传热的计算机模拟




1. 国家自然科学基金"利用能原位矫正探针间距的TDR-热脉冲多功能探头测量土壤热特性,液态水和冰含量" (2017-2020)

2. 国家重点研发计划"典型农田包气带氮磷淋溶机理与主控因子研究"(2016-2020)

3. 国家自然科学基金 "基于土壤孔隙结构的热导率和接触热导率标度规律的建立" (2013-2016)

4. 国家自然科学基金 "改进热探针方法测量野外土壤水分含量及热特性" (2010-2013)

5. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划"土壤非均质和层状特性对水分运动的影响"(2009-2011)

6. 国家自然科学基金 "土壤孔隙空间形态结构对扩散和热传导的影响" (2006-2009)

7. 国家自然科学基金项目"用随机方程研究多孔介质的动力学特性"(2003-2004)


一、 发表文章:    


1. Ruiqi Ren, Gang Liu*, Minmin Wen, Robert Horton, Baoguo Li, Bingcheng Si. 2017. The effects of probe misalignment on sap flux density measurements and in situ probe spacing correction methods. Agric. For. Meteorol. 232: 176-185.

2. 刁万英, 刘刚*, 胡克林. 2017. 基于高光谱特征与人工神经网络模型对土壤含水量估算. 光谱学与光谱分析, 37(3):841-846.

3. 刁万英, 刘刚*. 2017. 基于数字图像估算不同密度表层土壤含水率. 灌溉排水学报, 36(4):26-30.

4. 乔照钰, 原晓辉, 刘刚*. 2017. 野外试验中热脉冲探针间距校正方法的应用. 土壤学报. (待刊)

5. 乔照钰,刁万英,刘刚*. 2017. 原位测量固体材料热导率的改进热探针方法. 工程热物理学报. (待刊)


1. RuiqiRen, G, Liu*, M.M. Wen, Robert Horton, Baoguo Li, Bing cheng Si. 2016. The effects of probe misalignment on sap flux density measurements and in situ probe spacing correction methods. Agric. For. Meteorol., 232:176-185.

2. Gang Liu*, MinminWen, R.Q. Ren, Bing C. Si, Robert Horton and K.L. Hu. 2016.A general in situ probe spacing correction method for dual probe heatpulse sensor. Agric. For. Meteorol., 226:50-56.

3. 刁万英, 刘刚*, 司炳成. 2016. 土壤水力特性异质性对土壤排水影响的瞬态随机分析. 农业工程学报, 32(24):107-113.


1. Minmin Wen, Gang Liu*, Baoguo Li, Bing C. Si, Robert Horton.2015. Evaluation of a self-correcting dual probe heat pulse sensor. Agric. For. Meteorol,, 200:203-208.


1. Gang Liu*, Minmin Wen, Xupei Chang, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2013. A self-calibrated dual probe heat pulse sensor for in situ calibrating the probe spacing. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77:417-421.

2. Gang Liu*, Lijuan Zhao, MinminWen, Xupei Chang, Kelin Hu. 2013. A self-calibrated dual probe heat pulse sensor for in situ calibrating the probe spacing. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77:422-426.

3. 肖潇,刘刚*,李保国. 2013. 有限元模拟土壤孔隙对双针热脉冲法测量比热的影响. 土壤学报, 50(6):1138-1142.


1. Gang Liu*, Bingcheng Si, Aixiong Jiang, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren, Kelin Hu. Probe body and thermal contact conductivity affect error of heat pulse method based on infinite line source approximation. 2012. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76:370-374.


1. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2011. Single-and dual-probe heat pulse probe for determining thermal properties of dry soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75:787-794.

2. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2011. Soil ice content measurement using a heat pulse probe method, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 91:235-246.


1. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2010. Errors Analysis Of Heat Pulse Probe Methods: Experiments and Simulations. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74:797-803.


1. Gang Liu*, Lee Barbour, Bing cheng Si. 2009. Unified multilayer diffusion model and application to diffusion experiment in porous media by method of chambers. Environmental Science and Technology. 43:2412-2417.

2. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2009. Multilayer diffusion model applied to chamber-based measurements of gas fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149:169-178.


1. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2008. Dual-Probe Heat Pulse method for snow density and thermal properties measurement. Geophysical Research Letters, 35:L16404.

2. GangLiu*, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2008. Analytical Solution of the Heat Pulse Method in a Parallelepiped Sample Space with Inclined Needles. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 72:1208-1216.

3. Gang Liu*, Bing cheng Si. 2008. Analytical modeling of one-dimensional diffusion in layered systems with position-dependent diffusion coefficient. Advance in Water Resource, 31:251-268.


1. Gang Liu*, Baoguo Li, Kelin Hu and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2007. Analytical Solution of the Heat Pulse Method in a Parallelepiped Sample Space. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71:1607-1619.


1. Gang Liu*, Baoguo Li, Kelin Hu and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2006. Simulating the dependence of diffusion coefficient on soil thin section structure. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70:1252-1261.


1. Gang Liu*, Rushan Han. 2001. Dynamic Behavior of Vortex Matter, Memory Effect and Mittag-Leffler Relaxation. Chinese Physics Letters, 18:269.

2. Gang Liu*, Li Baoguo, Rushan Han and Shengdong Yang. 2001. The motion of repulsive Brownian particles in quenched disorder. Commun.Theor.Phys, 35:241.


1. Gang Liu*, Rushan Han and Daole Yin. 2000. Brownian motion of coupled vortices in Type-II superconductor: Response to external forces as an interacting Bosons system. Physica C, 1125:341-348.



1. 刘刚; 温敏敏; 常旭培; 李保国. 可实地自我校正间距的双针热脉冲热特性测量装置及方法. 专利号:201310602850.4

2. 刘刚; 温敏敏; 任瑞琪; Robert Horton, Bing Si, 王建平, 李保国. In situ spacing-correcting heat pulse sensor and method for measuring sap flow or water flux. US9638558B2


三、 出版著作:    

1. 资源环境系统分析. 北京师范大学出版社, 2009, 参编.