



姓名: 卢奕丽

性别: 女

职称: 副教授/博士生导师

Email: luyili@cau.edu.cn


办公地址: 资环楼四区423室


2006.09-2010.07 中国农业大学 资源环境科学 本科 理学学士

2010.09-2016.07 中国农业大学 土壤与水科学系 农学博士

                其中: 2014.08-2015.07 Iowa State University 农学院 联合培养博士


2016.08-2018.08 中国农业大学 生态系 博士后

2018.09-              中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc 副教授


Soil Science Society of America Journal 副编辑(2019-


1. 农田土壤水热过程及定量化

2. 土壤结构定量化



第十五届中国土壤学会科学技术奖(2020) 排名5


1. 中国博士后基金面上资助项目“基于TTDR技术监测根区土壤容重和水分动态的理论和技术”(2016.11-2018.07)




1. Liu, L., Y.L. Lu, Y.W. Fu, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*, 2022. Estimating soil water suction from texture, bulk density and electrical resistivity. Geoderma, 409, 115630.


1. Horn, R.*, Y.L. Lu, T.S. Ren, R. Horton, 2021. A. Mordhorst, H. Fleige. Derivation of the thermal soil functions by grain size and pore size distribution as a basis for in situ predictions of the soil heat balance. Die Bodenkultur: Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment, 72, 33-43.

2. Peng, W., Y.L. Lu*, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2021. Application of infinite line source and cylindrical-perfect-conductor theories to heat pulse measurements with large sensors, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85, 1050–1059.

3. Fu, Y.W., Y.L. Lu, J.L. Heitman, T.S. Ren*. 2021. Root influences on soil bulk density measurements with thermo-time domain reflectometry. Geoderma, 403, 115195.


1. Lu, Y.L., X.N. Liu, M. Zhang, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2020. Thermo–time domain reflectometry method: Advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84, 1354-1360.

2. Zhang, M., Y.L. Lu*, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2020. In-situ probe spacing calibration improves the heat pulse method for measuring soil heat capacity and water content, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84, 1620–1629.

3. Wang, L., H.F. Wang, Z.C. Tian, Y.L. Lu, W.D. Gao, T.S. Ren*. 2020. Overwinter structural changes of compacted soil layers in Northeast China, Sustainability, 12, 1587.

4. Fu, Y.W., Y.L. Lu, J.L. Heitman, T.S. Ren*. 2020. Root-induced changes in soil thermal and dielectric properties should not be ignored, Geoderma, 370, 114352.

5. Xie, X.T., Y.L. Lu, T.S. Ren*, R. Horton. 2020. Thermal conductivity of mineral soils relates linearly to air-filled porosity, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 84:53–56.


1. Peng, W., Y.L. Lu*, Xie, X.T., T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2019. An improved Thermo-TDR technique for monitoring soil thermal properties, water content and porosity, Vadose Zone Journal, 18:190026.

2. Xie, X.T., Y.L. Lu*, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2019. Soil temperature estimation with the harmonic method is affected by thermal diffusivity parameterization, Geoderma, 353, 97–103.

3. Wang, Y.J., Y.L. Lu, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2019. Specific heat capacity of soil solids: Influences of clay content, organic matter and tightly bound water, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83, 1062–1066.

4. Lu, S., Y.L. Lu*, W. Peng, Z.Q. Ju, T.S. Ren. 2019. A generalized relationship between thermal conductivity and matric suction of soils, Geoderma, 337, 491–497.


1. Lu, Y.L., R. Horton, X. Zhang, T.S. Ren*. 2018. Accounting for soil porosity improves a thermal inertia model for estimating surface soil water content, Remote Sensing of Environment, 212, 79–89.

2. Xie, X.T., Y.L. Lu*, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2018. An empirical model for estimating soil thermal diffusivity from texture, bulk density, and degree of saturation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, 445–457.

3. Lu, Y.L., R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2018. Simultaneous determination of soil bulk density and water content: A heat pulse-based method, European Journal of Soil Science, 69, 947–952.

4. Lu, Y.L., X.N. Liu, M. Zhang, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2018. Summary of thermo–time domain reflectometry method: Advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82, 733–733.

5. 卢奕丽,张猛,刘晓娜,任图生,王雅静*. 容重和含水量对耕层土壤热导率的影响及预测. 农业工程学报, 34(18): 146–151.

6. Zhang, M., Y.L. Lu, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2018. Temporal changes of soil water retention behavior as affected by wetting and drying following tillage, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81, 1288–1295.

7. Tian, Z.C., Y.L. Lu, T.S. Ren, R. Horton, J.L. Heitman*. 2018. Improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for continuous in-situ determination of soil bulk density, Soil and Tillage Research, 178, 118–129.


1. Wang, G., H.L. Jia*, L. Tang, Y.L. Lu, J. 2017. Zhuang. Standing corn residual effects on soil frost depth, snow depth and soil heat flux in Northeast China, Soil and Tillage Research, 165, 88–94.

2. Tian, Z.C., T.S. Ren, Y. Kojima, Y.L. Lu, R. Horton, J.L. Heitman*. 2017. An improved thermo-time domain reflectometry method for determination of ice contents in partially frozen soils, Journal of Hydrology, 555, 786–796.


1. Tian, Z.C., Y.L. Lu, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2016. A simplified de Vries-based model to estimate thermal conductivity of unfrozen and frozen soil, European Journal of Soil Science, 67, 564–572.

2. Lu, S., T.S. Ren*, Y.L. Lu, P. Meng, J.S. Zhang. 2016. Thermal separation of soil particles from thermal conductivity measurement under various air pressures, Scientific Reports, 7, 40181.

3. Lu, Y.L., X.N. Liu, J.L. Heitman, T.S. Ren*, R. Horton. 2016. Determining soil bulk density with thermo-time domain reflectometry: A thermal conductivity-based approach, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80, 48–54.

4. Lu, S., C.M. Ma, P. Meng, J.S. Zhang*, X. Zhang, Y.L. Lu, C.J. Yin. 2016. Experimental investigation of subsurface soil water evaporation on soil heat flux measurement, Applied Thermal Engineering, 93, 433–437.


1. Wang, Z.J.*, Y.L. Lu, Y. Kojima, S.T. Lu, M. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Horton. 2015. Tangent line/second order bounded mean oscillation waveform analysis for short TDR probe, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2015.04.0054


1. 付永威,卢奕丽,任图生*. 2014. 探针有限特性对热脉冲技术测定土壤热特性的影响. 农业工程学报, 30(19): 71–77.

2. Lu, Y.L., S. Lu, R. Horton, T.S. Ren*. 2014. An empirical model for estimating soil thermal conductivity from texture, water content, and bulk density, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78, 1859–1868.

3. Lu, S., T.S. Ren*, Y.L. Lu, P. Meng, S.Y. Sun. 2014. Extrapolative capability of two models that estimating soil water retention curve between saturation and oven dryness, PLOS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113518


1. Lu, Y.L., Y.J. Wang, T.S. Ren*. Using late time data improves the heat-pulse method for estimating soil thermal properties with the pulsed infinite line source theory, Vadose Zone Journal, 4, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0011



1. 土壤物理与作物生长模型. 中国水利水电出版社, 2016, 参编.

2. Lu, Y.L., T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2021. Applications of Thermo-TDR Sensors for Soil Physical Measurements [Online First], Soil Science-Emerging Technologies, Global Perspectives and Applications, IntechOpen, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.100285.

3. Lu, Y.L., X.N. Liu, M. Zhang, J.L. Heitman, R. Horton, T.S. Ren. 2017. Thermo–time domain reflectometry method: Advances in monitoring in situ soil bulk density. Methods of Soil Analysis, Vol. 2, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.

4. Liu, G., Y.L. Lu, M.M. Wen, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2017. Advances in the heat-pulse technique: Improvements in measuring soil thermal properties. Methods of Soil Analysis, Vol. 2, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Madison, WI.