



姓名: 尹冬勤

性别: 女

职称: 教授/博士生导师

Email: dongqin.yin@cau.edu.cn


办公地址: 太阳成集团tyc234cc楼441室


2006.09-2010.07 清华大学 水利工程系 本科 工学学士

2010.09-2015.07 清华大学 水利工程系 工学博士

       其中: 2013.11-2014.07 澳大利亚国立大学  联合培养博士


2015.07-2016.09 电力规划设计总院 工程师

2016.10-2019.10 澳大利亚国立大学 地球科学系 博士后

2019.11-至今       中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc 副教授


美国地球物理联合会(AGU) 会员

欧洲地球科学联合会(EGU) 会员 



1. 陆地水循环过程及其演变

2. 干旱过程及机制

3. 遥感技术在生态水文中的应用

4. 水土资源利用评价及优化配置


Best Paper Award from International Association of Chinese Youth in Water Sciences (CYWater)(2015)






1. Dongqin Yin*, Michael L. Roderick. Inter-annual variability of the global terrestrial water cycle. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020, 24: 381-396.

2. Dongqin Yin*, Michael L. Roderick. A framework to quantify the inter-annual variation in near-surface air temperature due to change in precipitation in snow-free regions. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15, 114032.

3. Yuan Si, Xiang Li, Dongqin Yin*, Tiejian Li, Ximing Cai, Jiahua Wei, Guangqian Wang. 2019. Revealing the Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Upper Yellow River Basin, China through Multi-Objective Optimization for Reservoir System. Science of the Total Environment, 682: 1-18.

4. Lei Huang, Xiang Li, Hongwei Fang*, Dongqin Yin*, Yuan Si, Jiahua Wei, Jiahong Liu, Xiaoyong Hu, Li Zhang. 2019. Balancing social, economic and ecological benefits of reservoir operation during the flood season. Journal of Hydrology, 572: 422-434.

5. Yuan Si, Xiang Li*, Dongqin Yin*, Ronghua Liu, Jiahua Wei, Yuefei Huang, Tiejian Li, Jiahong Liu, Shenglong Gu, Guangqian Wang. 2018. Evaluating and optimizing operation of hydropower system in the Upper Yellow River: A general LINGO-based integrated framework. PLOS ONE, 13(1): e0191483.

6. Yuan Si, Dongqin Yin*, Shenglin Hou, Xue Chen, Xiang Li, Yuefei Huang, Jiahua Wei. 2018. Impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on runoff in the Heihe River Basin. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 26(6): 1177-1188.

7. Sebastian Wolf*, Dongqin Yin, Michael L. Roderick. 2017. Using radiative signatures to diagnose the cause of warming during the 2013–2014 Californian Drought. Journal of Hydrology, 553: 408-418.

8.Dongqin Yin, Xiang Li, Yuefei Huang*, Yuan Si, Wei Jiahua, Rui Bai. 2016. Ecosystem stability analysis with LUDC model and Transitional Area Ratio index for Xihu oasis, Dunhuang, China. Environmental Earth Science, 75(8): 707.

9. Dongqin Yin, Xiang Li, Yuefei Huang*, Yuan Si and Rui Bai. 2015. Identifying Vegetation Dynamics and Sensitivities in Response to Water Resources Reallocation in the Heihe River Basin, China. Advances in Meteorology, 861928.

10. Dongqin Yin, Michael L. Roderick*, Guy Leech, Fubao Sun, Yuefei Huang. 2014. The contribution of reduction in evaporative cooling to higher surface air temperatures during drought. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(22): 7891-7897. 



