



姓名: 姚晓闯

性别: 男

职称: 副教授/博士生导师

Email: yxc@cau.edu.cn


办公地址: 太阳成集团tyc234cc楼367室


2007.09-2011.07 滨州学院 建筑工程系 本科 理学学士

2011.09-2013.07 中国农业大学 地理信息工程系 工学硕士

2013.09-2017.07 中国农业大学 地理信息工程系 工学博士

     其中2015.09-2016.09 美国明尼苏达大学双子城分校 计算机科学与工程系 访问学者


2017.07-2019.09   中国科学院空天信息创新研究院         助理研究员

2019.10-2021.12   中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc     讲师

2022.01-                中国农业大学 太阳成集团tyc234cc     副教授


1. 国家对地观测科学数据中心高校应用推广中心负责人(2019-)

2. 国家对地观测科学数据中心技术委员会成员(2023-)

3. 中国农业大学农业农村信息化中心秘书长(2021-)

4. OGC开放地理空间信息联盟会员(2019-)

5. 中国农业大学地信社团指导老师(2020-)

6. 中国农业大学GIS制图大赛指导老师(2021-)

7. Big Earth Data期刊topic编辑(2022-)

8. Remote Sensing、中国科学数据等期刊专刊编辑(2020-2022)

9. RS、GIS、农业信息化等领域专业期刊审稿人(2018-)


1. 空间数据高效管理与智能分析

2. 空间大数据技术与农业应用


1. 北京市普通高校优秀毕业论文指导老师

2. 中国农业大学百篇优秀毕业论文指导老师

3. 中国农业大学优秀教职工称号

4. 第八届共享杯优秀指导教师、个人突出贡献奖荣誉称号

5. 中国农大太阳成集团tyc234cc优秀共产党员

6. 中国农业大学教学成果二等奖

7. 中国农业大学教学创新比赛二等奖

8. BIG EARTH DATA期刊优秀审稿专家


1. 科技部“国家对地观测科学数据中心高校应用推广中心”(2020.01-至今)

2. 科技部科技创新“智能2030”重大项目子课题“跨媒体植物病虫害知识图谱构建”(2022.01-2024.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于“时-空-谱”立方体和深度卷积神经网络的高标准农田场景识别方法”(2024.01-2027.12)

4. 中科院A类先导专项专题“格网数据引擎理论与方法研究”(2019.01-2022.12)

5. 河南省重大科技专项课题“基于国产超算平台的遥感大数据分析系统研制与应用示范”(2021.01-2023.12)

6. 科技部“2021年国家对地观测科学数据中心汇交数据质量检查”(2021.10-2021.12)

7. 委托科研项目“JLS-5M数据立方体技术集成与工程实现”(2021.06-2021.12)

8. 委托科研项目“遥感大数据免切片算法设计与实现”(2021.06-2021.12)

9. 教育部协同育人项目“深度学习及其在农业中的应用”(2020.05-2020.09)

10. 委托科研项目“全球土地覆盖/土地利用数据集汇聚和整理”(2020.05-2020.12)

11. 委托科研项目“全球地表覆盖数据产品精度评价空间抽样方案”(2020.06-2020.12)

12. 委托科研项目“基于DGGS的多源遥感数据表达算法设计与实现”(2020.06-2020.12)

13. 委托科研项目“遥感大数据格网化预处理工具设计与研制”(2019.09-2020.12)

14. 中央高校基本科研业务费“学校十四五平台发展规划研究”(2019.09-2020.11)

15. 委托科研项目“DGGS剖分方法与特性分析”(2018.01-2018.12)




1. 郭旭超,郝霞,姚晓闯,李林*. 2023. 农业病虫害知识问答意图识别与槽位填充联合模型研究[J].农业机械学报,54(01):205-215

2. 赵龙,李国庆,姚晓闯*,马跃. 2023. 正二十面体六边形全球离散格网编码运算[J].地球信息科学学报,25(02):239-251

3. Xiong, Q.; Li, G.*; Yao, X.; Zhang, X. 2023. SAR-to-Optical Image Translation and Cloud Removal Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Literature Survey, Taxonomy, Evaluation Indicators, Limits and Future Directions. Remote Sens. 15, 1137

4. Yao, X.*; Yu, G.; Li, G.; Yan, S.; Zhao, L.; Zhu, D. 2023, HexTile: A Hexagonal DGGS-Based Map Tile Algorithm for Visualizing Big Remote Sensing Data in Spark. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 12, 89

5. 冯权,任燕,姚晓闯*,牛博文,陈泊安,赵圆圆. 2023. 基于多源光学雷达数据融合的黄淮海平原冬小麦识别[J].农业机械学报,54(2):160-168


6. Zhao L., Li G., Yao X.*, Ma Y., Cao Q. 2022. An optimized hexagonal quadtree encoding and operation scheme for icosahedral hexagonal discrete global grid systems, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-26

7. 冯权泷,陈泊安,李国庆,姚晓闯*,高秉博,张连翀. 2022. 遥感影像样本数据集研究综述, 遥感学报, 26(4): 589-605

8. Yu G., Z Xie, Li X., Wang Y., Huang J., Yao X. 2022. The Potential of 3-D Building Height Data to Characterize Socioeconomic Activities: A Case Study from 38 Cities in China, Remote Sensing 14 (9), 2087

9. Wang K., Ye S., Gao P., Yao X., Zhao Z. 2022. Optimization of Numerical Methods for Transforming UTM Plane Coordinates to Lambert Plane Coordinates, Remote Sensing 14 (9), 2056

10. Wang H., Zhang C., Yao X., Yun W., Ma J., Gao L., Li P. 2022. Scenario simulation of the tradeoff between ecological land and farmland in black soil region of Northeast China, Land Use Policy 114, 105991

11. Zhang, Y., Yin, P., Li, X., Niu, Q., Wang, Y., Cao, W., Huang, J., Chen, H., Yao, X., Yu, L., Li, B. 2022. The divergent response of vegetation phenology to urbanization: A case study of Beijing city, China. Science of the Total Environment, 803, 150079.

12. Cao, Q.; Li, G.; Yao, X.*; Ma, Y. 2022. China Data Cube (CDC) for Big Earth Observation Data: Practices and Lessons Learned. Information,13, 407.

13. Cao, Q.; Li, G.; Yao, X.*; Jia, T.; Yu, G.; Zhang, L.; Xu, D.; Zhang, H.; Shan, X. GF-1 Satellite Imagery Data Service and Application Based on Open Data Cube. Appl. Sci. 12, 7816.

14. Wang, S.; Wang, J.; Zhan, Q.; Zhang, L.; Yao, X.; Li G. 2022. A unified representation method for interdisciplinary spatial earth data. Big Earth Data, 1-15.


15. Tang X., Yao, X.*, Liu D., Zhao L., Li L., Zhu D., Li G. 2021. A Ceph-based storage strategy for big gridded remote sensing data, Big Earth Data, 1-17

16. Yan, S.; Yao, X.*; Zhu, D.; Liu, D.; Zhang, L.; Yu, G.; Gao, B.; Yang, J.; Yun, W. 2021. Large-scale crop mapping from multi-source optical satellite imageries using machine learning with discrete grids. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 103, 102485.

17. Yan, S.; Xu L.*; Yu, G.; Yang, L.; Yun, W.; Zhu, D.; Ye, S.; Yao, X.*. 2021. Glacier classification from Sentinel-2 imagery using spatial-spectral attention convolutional model. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 102, 102445.

18. Zhao, L.; Li, G.; Yao, X.*; Cao, Q.; Ma, Y. 2021. Comparison and Analysis of Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid Coding. SpatialDI 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12753.

19. Yao, X.; Lu, S.; Gu, J.; Zhang L.; Yang J.; Fan C.; Li, L. 2021. A locust remote sensing monitoring system based on dynamic model library. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 186, 106218.

20. Zhang, T.; Du, Z.; Yang, J.; Yao, X.*; Ou, C.; Niu, B.; Yan, S. 2021. Land Cover Mapping and Ecological Risk Assessment in the Context of Recent Ecological Migration. Remote Sens. 13, 1381.

21. Ma, Y.; Li, G.; Yao, X.*; Cao, Q.; Zhao, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, L. 2021. A Precision Evaluation Index System for Remote Sensing Data Sampling Based on Hexagonal Discrete Grids. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 10, 194.

22. 冯权泷,牛博文,朱德海,姚晓闯,刘逸铭,欧聪,陈泊安,杨建宇,郭浩,刘建涛. 2021.  2019年全国农业塑料大棚遥感分类数据集, 中国科学数据,1-18.

23. Xiong, Q.; Di, L.; Feng, Q.; Liu, D.; Liu, W.; Zan, X.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, D.; Liu, Z.; Yao, X.; Zhang, X. Deriving Non-Cloud Contaminated Sentinel-2 Images with RGB and Near-Infrared Bands from Sentinel-1 Images Based on a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1512


24. Yao, X.*; Li, G.; Xia, J.; Ben, J.; Cao, Q.; Zhao, L.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, D. 2020. Enabling the Big Earth Observation Data via Cloud Computing and DGGS: Opportunities and Challenges. Remote Sens.12, 62.

25. Xiong, Q.; Zhang, X.; Liu, W.; Ye, S.; Du, Z.; Liu, D.; Zhu, D.; Liu, Z.; Yao, X.*. An Efficient Row Key Encoding Method with ASCII Code for Storing Geospatial Big Data in HBase. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 625.

26. Xiong, Q.; Wang, Y.; Liu, D.; Ye, S.; Du, Z.; Liu, W.; Huang, J.; Su, W.; Zhu, D.; Yao, X.*; Zhang, X. 2020. A Cloud Detection Approach Based on Hybrid Multispectral Features with Dynamic Thresholds for GF-1 Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sens. 12, 450.

27. Zhou, J.; Ben, J.; Wang, R.;, Zheng, M.; Yao, X.; Du, L.; 2020. A novel method of determining the optimal polyhedral orientation for discrete global grid systems applicable to regional-scale areas of interest, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-17


28. Xiong, Q., Yao, X., Liu, W., Diyou, L. I. U., Ye, S., Zhang, X. & Liu, Z. 2019. STHBase: Spatio-temporal Organization framework Based on HBase for Geospatial Big Data. In AGU Fall Meeting 2019. AGU.

29. Pang, L., Li, G., Yao, X., Lai, Y. 2019. An Incentive Mechanism Based on a Bayesian Game for Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Access, 7, pp. 14340-14352.

30. Wang, S.; Li, G.; Yao, X.; Zeng, Y.; Pang, L.; Zhang, L. 2019, A Distributed Storage and Access Approach for Massive Remote Sensing Data in MongoDB. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 8, 533.


31. Yao, X., Mokbel, M.F., Ye, S., Li, G., Alarabi, L., Eldawy, A., Zhao, Z., Zhao, L., Zhu, D. 2018. LandQv2: A MapReduce-based system for processing arable land quality big data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7 (7).

32. Yao, X., Liu, Y., Cao, Q., Li, J., Huang, R., Woodcock, R., Paget, M., Wang, J., Li, G. 2018. China Data Cube for Big Earth Observation Data: Lessons Learned from the Design and Implementation BGDDS 2018 - 2018 International Workshop on Big Geospatial Data and Data Science, Wuhan.

33. Yao, X., Li, G. 2018. Big spatial vector data management: A review. Big Earth Data, 2, pp. 108-129.

34. 姚晓闯, 杨建宇, 李林, 叶思菁, 郧文聚, 朱德海. 2018. "云环境下空间矢量大数据并行化划分算法", 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 43 (7), pp. 1092-1097.

35. 姚晓闯, 2018. "矢量大数据管理关键技术研究", 测绘学报, 47 (3), p. 423.

36. Ye, S., Liu, D., Yao, X., Tang, H., Xiong, Q., Zhuo, W., Du, Z., Huang, J., Su, W., Shen, S., Zhao, Z., Cui, S., Ning, L., Zhu, D., Cheng, C. 2018. RDCRMG: A raster dataset clean & reconstitution multi-grid architecture for remote sensing monitoring of vegetation dryness. Remote Sensing, 10 (9).

37. Zhao, Z., Zhe, L., Zhang, X., Zan, X., Yao, X., Wang, S., Zhu, D. 2018. Spatial layout of multi- environment test sites: A case study of maize in Jilin Province. Sustainability, 10 (5).


38. Yao, X., Mokbel, M.F., Alarabi, L., Eldawy, A., Yang, J., Yun, W., Li, L., Ye, S., Zhu, D. 2017. Spatial coding-based approach for partitioning big spatial data in Hadoop. Computers and Geosciences, 106, pp. 60-67.

39. Yao, X., Zhu, D., Yun, W., Li, L. 2017. A WebGIS-based decision support system for locust prevention and control in China. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 140, pp. 148-158.

40. Yao, X., Yang, J., Li, L., Yun, W., Zhao, Z., Ye, S., Zhu, D. 2017. LandQv1: A GIS cluster-based management information system for arable land quality big data. 2017 6th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Agro-Geoinformatics 2017.

41. Zhao, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, Z., Yao, X., Li, S., Zhu, D. 2017. Spatial sampling of multi-environment trials data for station layout of maize variety. 2017 6th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Agro-Geoinformatics 2017.


42. Yao, X., Zhu, D., Ye, S., Yun, W., Zhang, N., Li, L. 2016. A field survey system for land consolidation based on 3S and speech recognition technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 127, pp. 659-668.

43. 张超, 张海峰, 杨建宇, 姚晓闯, 赵龙, 朱德海, 2016. "网格环境下县域基本农田建设研究," 农业机械学报. 47 (11), pp. 245-251.

44. Ye, S., Zhu, D., Yao, X., Zhang, X., Li, L. 2016. Developing a mobile GIS-based component to collect field data. 2016 5th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Agro-Geoinformatics 2016.

45. Ye, S., Yan, T., Yue, Y., Lin, W., Li, L., Yao, X., Mu, Q., Li, Y., Zhu, D.-H. 2016. Developing a reversible rapid coordinate transformation model for the cylindrical projection. Computers and Geosciences, 89, pp. 44-56.


46. 叶思菁, 朱德海, 姚晓闯, 岳彦利, 黄健熙, 李林, 2015. "基于移动GIS的作物种植环境数据采集技术," 农业机械学报. vol. 46, pp. 325-334.

47. Zhao, M., Qin, J., Li, S., Liu, Z., Cao, J., Yao, X., Ye, S., Li, L. 2015. An automatic counting method of maize ear grain based on image processing. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 452, pp. 521-533.


48. Yao, X., Zhu, D., Ye, S., Zhang, N., Li, L. 2014. Spatial interpolation methods study based on geostatistics for the grasshopper population. Sensor Letters, 12 (3-5), pp. 645-650.

49. Ye, S., Zhu, D., Yao, X., Zhang, N., Fang, S., Li, L. 2014. Development of a highly flexible mobile GIS-based system for collecting arable land quality data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7 (11), pp. 4432-4441.

50. Li, L., Zhu, D., Ye, S., Yao, X., Li, J., Zhang, N., Han, Y., Zhang, L. 2014. Design and implementation of geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning system-based information platform for locust control. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8 (1).



1. 张连翀,李国庆,李静,姚晓闯,李通,栾佳萍. Landsat-8卫星精选遥感数据集最简化筛选方法[P]. 北京市:CN109491994B,2020-12-18.

2. 张连翀,王建,姚晓闯,李通,栾佳萍,王爽. Landsat-8卫星精选遥感数据集定制化筛选方法[P]. 北京市:CN109542932B,2020-12-15.

3. 朱德海,姚晓闯,杨建宇,赵龙,李林,刘哲,黄婧瑶,杜振博,熊全,杨浩东,郧文聚,张晓东. 一种基于MapReduce的矢量文件转换方法和装置[P]. 北京市:CN107544948B,2019-12-06.

4. 李林,姚晓闯,朱德海,郧文聚,杨建宇,叶思菁,赵祖亮. 一种基于Hadoop的海量矢量数据划分方法及系统[P]. 北京市:CN106021567B,2019-09-24.

5. 李林,方帅,曹津,张晓东,赵明明,王竹,叶思菁,姚晓闯,朱德海. 基于网络文本的地震宏观异常信息获取与筛选方法[P]. 北京市:CN104679825B,2018-10-09.

6. 严泰来,叶思菁,朱德海,李林,张超,姚晓闯,杜振博,刘帝佑. 地理坐标投影变化方法[P]. 北京市:CN104537606B,2018-02-02.

7. 朱德海,叶思菁,岳彦利,刘帝佑,杜振博,李林,熊全,姚晓闯,李鹏山. 卫星影像的正射校正方法和系统[P]. 北京市:CN105387846B,2017-11-10.

8. 李林,呼延正勇,王竹,刘哲,朱德海,赵明明,曹津,叶思菁,姚晓闯,张南,吴海春. 基于改进网络协议的移动数据同步中间件的实现方法[P]. 北京市:CN104639613B,2017-10-24.

9. 李林,韩洪林,曹津,赵明明,叶思菁,朱德海,张晓东,姚晓闯. 一种基于SQL的MapReduce作业生成方法及系统[P]. 北京市:CN103761080B,2017-02-15.

10. 李林,徐礼奎,呼延正勇,方帅,张晓东,叶思菁,姚晓闯,刘哲. 基于移动终端设备的离线语音识别方法以及实现方法[P]. 北京市:CN103810998B,2016-07-06.

11. 李林,叶思菁,朱德海,姚晓闯,张南,黄锦,方帅,呼延正勇. 用于构建户外数据采集程序的框架系统以及程序构建方法[P]. 北京市:CN103150165B,2016-05-18.



1. 姚晓闯等. 基于AIR和ArcGIS 的地理信息可视化软件V1.0,登记号:2014SRBJ0475

2. 姚晓闯等. 基于Android的空间信息采集编辑系统V1.0,登记号:2014SRBJ0476

3. 姚晓闯等. 基于GIS的蝗虫防治信息服务系统V1.0,登记号:2014SRBJ0477

4. 姚晓闯等. 基于WebGIS的位置跟踪系统V1.0,登记号:2014SRBJ0478

5. 姚晓闯等. 蝗虫防治指挥调度系统V1.0,登记号:2012SRBJ1479

6. 李林,姚晓闯等. 基于GIS的蝗虫防治决策支持系统V1.0,登记号:2012SRBJ1480

7. 李林,姚晓闯等. 基于WPF的海量矢量数据共享软件V1.0 登记号:2015SRBJ0342

8. 姚晓闯等. 基于Hadoop的矢量瓦片并行构建与可视化系统 V1.0,登记号:2020SRBJ0684



1. 范树印等. 地整治遥感监测技术方法与实践, 地质出版社,2016,参编

2. 魏成林等. 智慧国土:北京的探索与实践, 清华大学出版社,2015,参编

3. 贾文涛等. 3S技术在土地管理中的应用, 中国财政经济出版社,2014,参编

4. 郧文聚等. 良田工程建设研究, 中国海洋出版社,2014,参编