



姓名: 孙丹峰
性别: 男
职称: 教授/博士生导师
Email: sundf@cau.edu.cn
办公电话: 010-62733869
办公地址: 太阳成集团tyc234cc楼272室



1989.09-1993.07 山东农业大学 土壤与植物营养 本科 农学学士

1993.09-1995.07 北京农业大学 土壤学 硕士 理学硕士

1995.09-1998.07 中国农业大学 土壤学 博士 理学博士


1998.07-2001.07   中国农业大学   土地资源与管理   讲师

2001.07-2006.12   中国农业大学   土地资源与管理   副教授

   其中:2002.05-2002.08 Department of Natural Resources at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Visiting researcher

2007.01-                中国农业大学   土地资源与管理   教授

   其中: 2011.10-2012.08 Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Visiting scientist










一、 发表文章:    


1. Zhuo Li, Fei Lun, Ming Liu, Xiao Xiao, Chongyang Wang, Linlin Wang, Yueqing Xu, Wei Qi, Danfeng Sun, Rapid diagnosis of agricultural soil health: A novel soil health index based on natural soil productivity and human management, Journal of Environmental Management 277 (2021) 111402.


1. Ping Zhang , Divyani Kohli , Qiangqiang Sun , Yongxiang Zhang , Shunxi Liu , Danfeng Sun,Remote sensing modeling of urban density dynamics across 36 major cities in China: Fresh insights from hierarchical urbanized space,Landscape and Urban Planning 203 (2020) 103896.

2. Qiangqiang Sun, Ping Zhang, Hai Wei, Aixia Liu, Shucheng You, Danfeng Sun. Improved mapping and understanding of desert vegetation-habitat complexes from intraannual series of spectral endmember space using crosswavelet transform and logistic regression, Remote Sensing of Environment 236 (2020) 111516.


1. Ping Zhang, Chencheng Yuan, Qiangqiang Sun, Aixia Liu, Shucheng You, Xianwen Li, Yaping Zhang, Xin Jiao, Danfeng Sun, Minxuan Sun, Ming Liu, and Fei Lun. Satellite-Based Detection and Characterization of Industrial Heat Sources in China, Environmental Science & Technology  2019, 53, 18, 11031-11042,DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b02643.

2. Danfeng Sun, Ping Zhang, Qiangqiang Sun & Wanbei Jiang. A dryland cover state mapping using catastrophe model in a spectral endmember space of OLI: a case study in Minqin, China, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40:14, 5673-5694, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1580795.


1. Sun, Q.Q., Zhang, P., Sun, D. F., Liu, A.X., Dai, J.W., 2018. Desert vegetation-habitat complexes mapping using Gaofen-1 WFV (wide field of view) time series images in Minqin County, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 73: 522-534.


1. Zhang, P.; Sun, Q.; Liu, M.; Li, J.; Sun, D., 2017, A Strategy of Rapid Extraction of Built-Up Area Using Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Band 10 Images. Remote Sens. 9 (11), 1126. doi:10.3390/rs9111126.


1. Sun, D. F., Jiang, W. B., 2016, Agricultural Soil Alkalinity and Salinity Modeling in the Cropping Season in a Spectral Endmember Space of TM in Temperate Drylands, Minqin, China. Remote Sens. 8(9): 714.

2. Sun D. F., Yu, X. Q., Liu, X. N., Li, B. G., 2016, A new artificial oasis landscape dynamics in semi-arid Hongsipu region with decadal agricultural irrigation development in Ning Xia, China, Earth Sci Inform, 9: 21-33.


1. Sun, D. F., 2015. Detection of dryland degradation using Landsat spectral unmixing remote sensing with syndrome concept in Minqin County, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 41: 34-45.

2. Sun, D. F., Liu, N. 2015. Coupling spectral unmixing and multiseasonal remote sensing for temperate dryland land-use/land-cover mapping in Minqin County, China. International journal of remote sensing, 36(14): 3636-3658.


1. Sun D. F., Li H. and Li, B. G., 2008. Landscape connectivity changes analysis for monitoring desertification of Minqin County, China. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 140(1-3): 303-312.


1. Sun, D. F., Richard, D., Li, H. Rong W. and Li, B.G., 2007. A landscape connectivity index for assessing desertification: a case study of Minqin county, China. Landscape ecology. 22: 531-543.


1. Sun, D. F., Richard, D. and Li, B. G., 2006, Agricultural causes of desertification risk in Minqin, China. Journal of environmental management. 79: 348-356.


1. Sun, D. F., Richard, D., Li, H. and Li, B. G., 2005, Modeling desertification change in Minqin County, China. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 08(1-3): 169-188.


1998.07-2001.07   中国农业大学,土地资源与管理、讲师

2001.07-2006.12   中国农业大学,土地资源与管理、副教授

期间2002.05-2002.08 Department of Natural Resources at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Visiting researcher

2007.01-          中国农业大学,土地资源与管理、教授

期间, 2011.10-2012.08 Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Visiting scientist